Hearing Aids and Insurance

Hearing Aids and Insurance

What does my benefit include?

When reviewing your insurance plan to determine if it covers hearing aids, consider asking the following key questions to your insurance representative:

  • Does my deductible have to be met before I can use the benefit?
  • Does an allowable amount apply? What is the allowable amount in Ohio?

For instance, if your insurance plan says they pay 80% of the allowable amount and the allowable amount is $2000, the maximum amount the insurance would pay is $1800.  If they pay 100% of the allowable amount, then they would pay up to $2000.  They will not pay more than the allowable amount.

  • Does my insurance make me use a third-party administrator?

In this instance, you see an audiologist for the hearing test, hearing aid selection, and fitting, but you are buying the hearing aids from the third-party administrator.  The price quoted is based on what the third-party administrator has set.  The audiologist does not set the price of the hearing aids.  Usually, you are limited to 1 year of service with these plans and will pay for follow-up care after that year.

Some third-party administrators restrict the selection of hearing aids that providers can fit to specific manufacturers.

  • Can I use my benefit anywhere?

That depends on the insurance plan.  Most companies will tell you to see an in-network provider.  Some places like Costco do not accept insurance.  Some plans will only let audiologists be in-network and not hearing instrument providers.